When you are stuck inside with little ones, sometimes all the toys and books in the house won't satisfy them. They demand "new" stuff. Well, that's when you pull open your odds and ends craft bins or junk drawer and let them explore! Pom poms, corks, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks etc. Kids LOVE collecting stuff. Give them an empty egg carton or tupperware and let them fill it with their treasures. Watch them count, organize, and sort in their own little way.
Pom poms are great for the littles. They're soft, noise-free and aren't a stepping hazard. But be warned, if you let your toddler play with these, you will never be rid of them. You will find them in the oddest places. They're like tribbles. Cute and cuddly, but they multiply to no end.
Corks are another soft and mess-free source of entertainment. I've been saving corks for a project, but haven't had the time to start it. Soon though, very soon you will see a cork project post.
It was a Bob Ross kinda day. The girls took to watercolors like a fish takes to water. I was surprised at their patience and control with the brush. They are my little prodigies.
"Maybe in our world there lives a happy little tree over there." --Bob Ross
From all of us here, happy painting and God bless my friend.
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