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Cross Stitch Saints

When I came across Nancy's 40 Catholic Saints in Cross Stitch, there was no question. I purchased her patterns that day. How could you not? These mini saint designs are awesome! The simple details for each one are fantastic. St. Rose of Lima wears a flower crown, St. Brigid holds a reed cross, and St. Pio reveals his stigmata. There are quite a few saints in this batch which made it easy for me to pick out a few to frame and give as gifts.

Cross Stitch Saints | by 

Cross Stitch Saints | by
Cross stitch pattern for Maria Goretti

I decided on St. Maria Gorretti for my first cross stitch saint, since she is my confirmation saint and because during the Pilgrimage of Mercy: Tour of the Major Relics of St. Maria Goretti, I was blessed to touch the reliquary containing her bones.

Cross Stitch Saints | by

I didn't have the exact colors called for in the patterns. That being the case, my saints outfits vary slightly. The burlap was leftover from a rug project I did a few summers ago. It gives the cross stitch a rugged and more organic look vs. the typical white aida cloth.

Cross Stitch Saints | by
St. Therese, the Little Flower

I found that it's best if you sew row by row. If you jump around to different sections, it's very easy to miss count the stitches and end up with an overextended arm or floating head.(whoops).

When my girls are older I plan to teach them cross stitch. Maybe by that time, there will be additional saint patterns. I'm rooting for Blessed Pier Gorgio, Miguel Pro, and saints Felicity and Perpetua. Edit: Nancy has added 21 more cross stitch saints to her blog! Check them out here!

Cross Stitch Saints | by
St. Maria Goretti and St. Helen

Here are the finished pieces in their new homes:

Cross Stitch Saints | by
(Contributed photo)

Cross Stitch Saints | by
(Contributed photo)


  1. Love this project. But love the felting also. God bless your day. Love and hugs. NT RIA

    1. Thanks, NT Ria! I've made a few more felted foods. You can check them out here:


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